Make Up by Me :)

Been wanting to make a portofolio of my makeup work and I had the chance to do my first project a while ago. The theme is more of a natural make up. Not all the steps got captured, but here it is!

Putting on some foundation


Using some gel liner


All photo above have gone through some digital touch on the skin by Mr. Photographer, so this is the untouched before and after picture of Ms. Clara. The after photo was taken loong after the photo session has started, it was a very humid day, so in the after picture you could see some eyeliner smudging on clara's inner corner. :(

What do you think? ;)


To see the complete photo session click HERE

All photos taken and edited by AdryanAD. (and i'm adding some minor color correction. :p)

I got a picture that close enough of clara taken by me during the photoshoot. I love this one more because the make up was still fresh!

Click to enlarge


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