Binge Watching

I spent all my saturday from this long weekend to binge watch all good movies I've never watch before. Starting it off with something funny and romantic, I chose 27 Dresses

Cheesy romantic movie like this one always gets me but this one, not quite. It's too cheesy and lacking of engagement into the whole story, I just don't appreciate this movie as much as I'd like to. Good looking casts, I admit it, but just not so much of a story. Although I should say the gossip about Cathering Heigl was such a bitch on the set of Grey's Anatomy might or might not affect my judgement.

Going next to this year's movie I missed to watch on the big screen, I clicked on Train To Busan since I heard a very positive response from all of my friends. I like the cinematography, Korean movies has really stepped up their game on the technical department. Smooth 3D effect is also a nice thing to look at instead of a very explicit added item. Good choice on the leading roles but I don't know why but the child wasn't really giving me any feeling towards her. I think they can find a better cast but, oh well. I love the story and the bigger picture, There's a very clear intention to speak about not being so egocentric and to think about other, but it's not blend well enough. There's a few scenes I thought were too slow, like, they took so much time to think it costs them to loose another person. I'm feeling a bit of over visualised on the idea, it makes my excitement goes ups and downs until it gets a bit not enjoyable. Still a good movie though, I still cry at the ending.

Moving on to the last movie of the day before I continue binge watching youtube like any other day. Didn't get so much expection up, I was just looking for lists of a mind twisting movie and I just picked Memento since I've been seeing it around on 9gag. What I love about this movie is the way the story told was just like the main character is. The story were being told backward so I feel just like a person who don't have a memory of anything, just like Leonard. It is quite a mind twisting movie but it's not leaving me in confusion or awe like Fight Club or Shutter Island did. To be fair, it gets me thinking through out the movie because I didn't know what's going on. Will try Donnie Darko next.

Do you have any mind twisting movie recommendation? Please do share with me because I love a good movie better than an excellent cheap fulfilling meal. 


  1. Coba Life Before Her Eyes, Van...

    1. Wah abis baca ceritanya seru banget! Nanti malem mau nonton ah, thanks for the suggestion!

  2. saranku sih nonton semua filmnya jake gyllenhaal van. kece2 filmnya dan dia selalu all out apa pun karakternya. sayangkuh T_T kemaren abis nonton end of watch dan ikut sedih. ini abis kelarin southpaw, abis itu mau nonton nightcrawler <3

    /belom nonton train to busan /ngumpet dulu

    1. Filmnya si Jake kayanya gue baru nonton Donnie Darko, The Day After Tomorrow sama Brokeback Mountain, sejauh ini suka semua sih sama film dan aktingnya. Terus baru liat list film yang dia main, banyak banget yah ternyata, dan menarik judul-judulnya. Siplah nanti mau marathonan sampe puas haha

      Nontonn gii buruan, bagus filmnya walaupun agak kecewa sedikit

  3. Mau rekomendasiin film tp kayaknya kita beda selera hihi

  4. kalau mau drama coba ruby sparks kak! :)

    1. Wah baca-baca reviewnya keliatannya bagus, coba nonton ahh


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