Review: NYX Smokey Look Palette
Finally! After a loong time using this I brave my self to make a review out of it!
First of all, I like because it has a looot of color which I can try and see how they look on my skin tone. So far I've been loving some of the taupe colors cause they're just so great to be worn alone or combined with other color.
For eyeshadows, the texture is not so creamy yet not chalky either. Its just the usual eyeshadow texture I must say. But very pigmented but some of the light color in a bit hard to show up. But with a base its good to go.
(All swatch without base)
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Above: Classic Smokey Under: Purple Smokey |
As you can see the light colors don't show up really well on the classic smokey part and the glitter shadows don't get that glittery on your eyelids., it just give a bit of spark in your dark look. I actually love the skintone color as it works well on blending the edges.
On the purple smokey, some colors showed up a bit sheer, but you can build it up as your desire intensity.
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Above: Bronze Smokey Under: Natural Smokey |
I love the bronze smokey as it has most of the satin finish on the palette, it suites the terms of bronze better, as bronze most of the time get related to shiny and smooth texture, which really well visualized by the satin finish, and not to mention the glittery shadow, it really add up some sparkle into your eyes without over doing it. All colors in the bronze part have yellow undertone which makes it more perfect.
And neutral smokey is my favourite part of the whole palette. All of the shadows are great for everyday use. From neutral day look to deep define eyes night look. From matte to satin finish. You can never go wrong with this colors.
This should be the lip color, but they didn't explain, wether its lipstick or tinted lipbalm. Cause I feel like it is more appropriate if I call it tinted lip balm, as it really moisturizing but very sheer color pay off. It can't be used to cover dark lips I guess. The texture is very creamy thou. I like it a lot. Staying power is just about 1-2 hours without eating.
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Above: Bronzer and Highlighter Under: Blushes |
The bronzer are quite nice, you can use the darker one to contour and the lighter one as bronzer to just warm up your face. The highlighter is just so-so I must say, because its white. Not really look white when you blend it to your skin, but I think if its gold then it would be perfect.
For the blush they're all look pretty. My favourite is the most right cause it has some peachy color which I reeaaally like.
All texture are not so creamy yet not chalky, and I must say this is a very settle color on your face because when you apply it, it somekind of melt into your skin. Is that even possible?? Haha.. I dunno, but it feels like it so your cheek looks like glowing from within. Staying hours: 4-5 hours.
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Eyeliner and concealer swatch |
The concealers works great, creamy texture and very easy to blend. Love the color corrector color which is green and purple color. I tried it on my boyfriend's cheek and under eye cause I don't have enough red to test the concealers. These colors are great to wear before foundation because they leave a small amount of noticable color.
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Green Concealer Left: Before Right: After |
You can see how the green really calm down all that redness.
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Purple Concealer Left: Without Right: With Conceaker |
You can notice the right side looks more fresh and even color while the left looks really tired.
I don't put the glitter swatch because it's just a plus point. Hehee..
So, All in all, I recommend this pallette even for personal use. Its great to practice your makeup skills or more, knowing what kind of colors works best on your skin tone. And one thing I want so bad is the green and purple concealer in their full size. Reccomended for you who wants to tame those acne scaring and to brightens up your whole look.
woaaaa *drooling*
ReplyDeleteaku pengen banget beli palletenya NYX tapi masih nabung ini huhu
anyway itu asik banget udah lengkap sama concealer yah, dan coveragenya oke loh.
good idea to apply it on a man's face, berarti itu oke banget hahaha.
followed ur blog, hope you don't mind to visit mine, I'm still newbie :p
Belinya di zatura scg aja ceuu.. Murah dibanding toko online yang laeenn.. hehheeh
DeleteUntungnya si laki pasrah ajah mukanya dipake buat bikin comparison! :p
how much how muchh aaa
ReplyDeleteBlushOff [Beauty Blog]
Terakhir aku beli sih 260 marsha...
DeleteDi zatura scg, tapi kemaren itu katanya ada kenaikan harga tapi gak terlalu jauh kok.. Aku rasa masih dibawah 300.. hehe.. ^^
whoaaa vani thx for your review :*
ReplyDeletejadi ada pencerahan soal concealer nya :D
Sama-samaaa.. Senang bisa membantuuu.. hahahaha... :D
Deletewow sepertinya green concealerny lmyan bagus ya :D blush yg tengah jg ^^
ReplyDeletefollowing your blog now, visit mine if you have time :)
Iyaa.. aku pengen banget cobain yang full sizenyaa.. hehee..
DeleteSudah aku follow dari lamaa blogmuu.. bagusss.. hihii.. ^^
Nice palette! Aku punya beberapa palet nyx menurut aku value for money. Tinggal pake good primer and you're good to go. Btw cowo lu baek banget ya mau di jadiin kelinci percobaan dan fotonya boleh dipajang. Coba laki gue begitu. Hihihi. -tomica
ReplyDeleteBanget! apalagi harganya juga affordable bangett... hahaha
DeleteItu karenaa....cowo eke juga narsis cyiinn.. hahahahah.. XP
ReplyDeletejadi pengen punya palette inii..
hadeeuuhhh >.<
nice review beib..
thanks for following me..
i'm following you now ~
Ayok beliii.. Hihhiihii.. Emang tempting b anget nih palet yang 1 iniii...
DeleteThank you so much dearr.. ^^
Ini dulu aku pernah punya Van,overall sih not bad lah... cuman yang paling sebel glitter nya, itu cuman kayak glitter di atas pan gitu, begitu beberapa kali colek, yang bawah pan nya cuman kayak cream semacam petroleum jelly.... favoritku eyeshadow yang warna soklat2 itu, lebih pigmented menurutku... btw nice review....
ReplyDeleteiya tuuhh.. yang paling aku sering pake juga yang neutral sama bronze.. Kalo yang classic pernah pakein di orang jadinya kece beraatt.. Waloppun harus agak ditumpuk warnanya.. Kalo yang ungu, yaa, so so lahh.. hihii..
DeleteYang glitternya itu aku pernah colok karena penasaran tebelnya seberapa, ternyata cuma 2 milimeter yaa.. sedikit sekali.. buat dijadiin eyeshadow juga gak nutupp, bener" cuma hiasan tambahan doang.. hahahha..
Thank you, ranniii.. ^^