[REVIEW] Masami Shouko Blender Sponge

You must have heard about the Beauty Blender Sponge, right? If not, it is a makeup sponge to put on your foundation, just like a usual foundation sponge as the function, only better. 

Now this one here is not the real beauty blender but it is beauty blender "inspired" sponge. I've never use the real beuaty blender but we'll just talk about the performa of this baby, shall we?

This one I got from Masami Shouko, retailed for Rp 88.900,-. A li' bit pricey for a sponge I must say.

But what makes this sponge so expensive?

The shape of it. Cheap makeup sponges generally come in tappered and thick shape with sharp edges. This one is shaped for easy hold. It give you two side you can use, which is the first one is the round and no edges side, so your foundation will spread seamlessly. The other one is the pointy side so you can reach the small areas on your face, like under your eyes and beside your nose.

To use it, you have to make it damp. Once it damp, the sponge will double up in size and tenderness.

Damp sponge will absorb less of your foundation and because it softer and , it bounces better.

I use it with my Revlon Colorstay foundation which is known for its ability to dry as fast as flash and everytime i use it with a brush, I always end up with so much dry product on the back of my hand. But when I'm using this, the foundation don't dry as fast and I got every last drop of the foundation from the back of my hand.

For the sponge it self, it can really blend the foundation prettily, it is so easy to blend all the foundation on your face. You can use this alone or you can use this after using a brush to apply your foundation and the blend it again with this sponge. Both ways work just fine. 

And a little tip to maintain the sponge, always, always wash this right after you done your make up. This way, your foundation/concealer wouldn't get all dried up inside the sponge, making it hard to remove, thus the sponge got stain all over.

To wash this just rub the sponge on a soap bar/ if you want you can use baby shampoo/brush cleanser and squeeze it until left over product washed out. Repeat this step few times until you got a clean sponge.

Have you ever try this kind of product? What do you think? :D



I've used this sponge to make up-ing a client. I found it easier to use the pointy end, I only use the round end to do extra blending. This is great for cream foundation and concealer and all of that blend like a dream. Me so likey. 

Oh and something I forgot to mention is that this sponge does not absorb much foundation as the usual sponge tends to do. I've once too lazy to wash this right after i'm using it, and it still so easy to wash it and no stain! Definitely fallin in love with this! :D


  1. I've tried the similar sponge from Etude House~ and I love it :)

  2. bentuknya lucu, btw enakan apply fondi pake blender sponge atau brush?


    1. Kalo aku suka 2-2nya, cuma kalo untuk fondi yang full coverage n cepet kering lebih enak pake ini karena jadinya fondinya lebih rata, kalo brush aku pake buat foundation yang waktu keringnya agak lama, jadi masi sempet blend sana sini.. hihi..

  3. woaa baru tau kalo masami shouko punya blender sponge jg :o do you love this sponge? :D

    1. hemm.. berhubung baru punya yang ini, aku suka banget dibanding pake sponge wedges, lebih enak ngeblend pake ini jauh kalo menurut aku.. hehe..

  4. wah hitam! hihi, enak nih soalnya kalo pink agak gimanaa gitu kan, kalo item kan lebih oke sih menurut aku, tapi harganya bikin mikir yak..

    1. Iyap! tertarik banget sama warna itemnyaaa!! hahaha.. kesannya propesional getoh.. haha. :p

  5. Aku juga pake blender sponge masami yg ini vani... Emang bagus deh dibandingin pake blender sponge yg segitiga gitu... Aku kira fondinya bakalan nyerep banyak ke spongenya sooalnya keliatan lebih berpori2 gitu... Eih, ternyata enggak malah lebih keliatan natural deh pake ini...
    klo dibandingin sama fondi brushnya masami, ini lebih worthed laaa... :D

    1. banget euy, lebih gampang banget buat ngeratain fondinyaaa.. XD

  6. wah.. jadi bingung mau beli yang mana nih. soalnya, tadinya mau beli etude yang baby doll puff. hwaaa... ini belinya dimana, mba vani?

    1. aku belinya di guardian di mol living world.. hehe.. Tapi aku rasa di counter"nya masami shouko juga kayanya ada.. hehehehe.. :D

  7. aduh jadi bingung beli ini atau etude baby doll? TT_TT. mba vani, ini beli dimana ya?

    1. Wah aku belom pernah coba yang etude baby doll.. :(
      Tapi kayanya hasilnya bakal mirip". cuma lebih suka packagingnya yang mana.. hihi..
      Aku kemaren belinya di Guardian, Living world.. :D

  8. Wahh baru mau cari review si sponge ini ketemu blog kmu.
    Nyesel kemarin waktu k Jkt gag beli...
    Blending sponge yg pink tuh susah dicuci nempel terus foundienya.
    Nice review n nu follower...


    1. kayanya bisa beli online deh di fbnya, sekar.. hihii..
      kamu pake yg pink yang merek apaa?

      Thanks for following ya.. :D

  9. Woa, baru tauu
    Kayaknya pengen nyobain nih si item sakti ini hehe
    Btw, kalo untuk blending foundi/bbc yang medium2 waktu keringnya, masih oke kah?
    Salam kenallll yaaa...

    1. Salam kenal Lenny..! :D
      Oke banget kokk.. dia oke untuk segala macem fondi/BB cream.. langsung rata gausah pake ribet' nguas sana sini, kalo lagi keburu-buru juga membantu banget nihh

  10. Ewwhh.. i just broke my beauty blender this morning :(
    padahal baru aja beli :(
    udah rusak. sobek dibagian tengah
    pas nyuci, meres nya kekencengen kali yak :(
    duhh nyeselll bgt rasanya :(
    gada yg lebih durable daripada masami kah?
    atau beauty blender yg pink dan harganya 200k an itu?
    thank u

  11. ah. i guess i would not buy this again.
    baru aja pagi ini pas nyuci agak kekencengan meresnya. sobekk deh!!!
    huaaaaa langsung bingung ini mo diapain.
    ada yg lbh bagus dari masami?
    dia ternyata bahannya latex. kalo beauty blender yg model egg,warna pink, yg mahal itu gak dari latex.
    pantesan aja masami lebih murah. hmmmmmfhhhhh
    tapi kalo beli yg pink, investasinya mahal book. wkwkkwkw
    akhirnya balik ke sponge biasa aja. bisa beli banyak. sekitar 5/6 biji. jadi tiap hari bisa ganti. sembari nunggu kering yg abis dicuci. hehehe

    1. buset, meresnya pake tenaga dalem buuuu?? jangan dipelintir atur pas meresnyaaa.. Hahahaha.. Punya aku tahan kok udah dicuci berkali-kali.. Diremes-remes ajaaa, jangan diperes kaya nyuci bajuu.. hahahaha.. Ya kalo mau yang bagus sih ya beauty blender yang mehong banget itu, cuma sayang nek mau belinya masi mikir2 banget. hahahahah.. :p

  12. lagi nyari2 review beauty blender Masami eeeh ketemu blog lo vannn hahahaha aduh bingung banget mau beli merk beauty blender yg mahal banget atau real technique atau etude house yg packagingnya lucu atau masami shuoko ini yg hitam lebih cool T_T

    1. kayanya mendingan real tech aja deh mitch, abis youtuber2 pada bilang kalo itu bagus banget, nyaingin si beauty blender, gue juga lagi pengen yang RT itu, tapi masi ngumpulin niat.. hahahha

  13. aku beli yang 15rban gitu di silahqan.com kak, awet juga. itu bedanya apa ya kak kalo yang mahal gitu?


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