[REVIEW] Revlon Beyond Natural Smoothing Primer

This is actually a requested review but I have postponed this so long because at the time I haven't been wearing it a lot so that my review wouldn't be good. Now that I have worn this so many times, I want to tell you guys how I feel about this product!

What it says:

"Prepare face for flawless makeup application by smoothing skin and helping to minimize the appearance of pores."


Just a plain transparent tube. Doesn't look cheap but not look expensive either. Just so-so. But function wise, I like it It has a small opening so I can easily adjust how much I want to use the product.


As it is my very first primer I ever had, I tought it would be more like a cream and I think it is going to make my face looks matte. But it actually more like a slimy gel texture. It act like what it says, as i'm rubbing i onto my face, it makes my skin feels so smooth and help (just a bit!) reducing the appearance of my pores. 

I kinda hate the finish, though. Instead of making my face looks matte, this makes it look a tiny bit greasy looking but not feel greasy. Actually after you let it soak in  and set on your skin, if you touch it, it feels a bit sticky and oily. Like the feeling of sunscreen.

It's great at times when you just want to use your foundation with your finger, since it's a bit slimy, it helps the foundation to spread thin and evenly. Cause you know, sometimes when you use your finger it might get patchy in some areas, but this helps to even it out.

I hope you can see the difference between the skin with and without the primer. The one with the primer is visibly look smoother than the one without.

Lasting Power:

 It does a very good job on making a smooth surface to place your foundation, but not a good one to keep your make up all day. No oil control either. I have a very oily T-zone and it does nothing to keep my oil at bay. After about 2 hours I already look greasy. And after like 4-5 hours my face looks so bare like I wear nothing just like when I'm not wearing any primer in. Not impressed at all. Hmm.. Oh, by the way I'm using it with a light coverage foundation/bb cream just for everyday use.

As you guys might know, I wear my glass-less glasses everyday and I hope this primer can help me with all those smudging I got on my nose where my glasses sits, but still, it smudge.



(+) Create a smooth base to start your makeup routine
(+) Great for days when your fingers think they are brushes

(-) Doesn't matify my face
(-) Doesn't help much with my big pores
(-) Don't last long
(-) No oil control
(-) Doesn't help with my smudging problem

Wow, so many negative points.. But nonetheless I keep using this just for the sake of my money I've spend on this. I usually wear it just when I want to use my maybelline bb cream, cause I like to apply it with fingers and this helps me even out my bb cream.

For else, I would never repurchase this again. For Rp 110.000,- I don't think I get my money's worth.

So that's it! Anyone ever tried this too? Do you love it or hate it? :D


  1. wah primer ini gak bagus yah?
    coba monistat chaving relief gel deh van buat primer.. oil control nya lumayan bagus dan bikin make up long lasting dan harganya pun sama (atau lebih murah) dari revlon ini :D
    btw dulu aku juga suka pake primer dll base makeup lengkap setiap hari tiap kuliah,tapi setelah dirasa rasa ko kasian yah mukaku akhirnya sekarang pas event tertentu aja deh makenya :( (parno takut kurang bersih angkat makeup nya ngebayangin silicone yang numpuk secara terus menerus di kulitku hehe)

    1. Iyahhh.. huhuu.. kecewa bangett nih sama ini, cuma mau dibuang sayang, ngasih orang juga gak tegaa.. :(
      Wah monistat bagus yah? boleh tuh lain kali coba yg ituu.. thanks for the info!! :D
      Aku malah baru kepikir gitu sekarang! Hahahaha.. Tapi gak tiap hari juga kookk.. Soalnya suka kesiangan dan cuma sempet pake concealer + bedak.. hahaha..

  2. Hi Vani! Thankyou for dropping by di blog akuuu :)
    Ada dong di Indonesia, aku sempet nulis review untuk lipstick, lipgloss disini http://wp.me/p2LJN4-66 dan nail polish disini http://wp.me/p2LJN4-5i berikut dengan harga-harganya :D

    1. Iyah, tapi aku tertarik banget sama si loreal infalible eyeshadownya ituu.. XD

  3. Primer revlon ini menarik deh, sangat transparan yah dan kelihatannya seperti lotion. Harganya terjangkau pula! Aku lagi mikir mau ganti primer, mac prep and prime sih mahal juga. huhuh.

    1. Ah, jangan beli yang ini ren! Coba NYX pore filler, harganya aku ikut PO 150ribu, tapi jauuhh lebih kece dibanding ini!

  4. Nice work!! I like this. Please writ something about makeup and makeup tools. I want to know about MAC brush,Manicure & Pedicure Kits,Cuticle Scissors,Cuticle Nail Nipper Cutter,Bobbi Brown Brushes etc. means professional makeup brush.


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