Sariayu 2013 Collection - Pesisir Sentrajava

Soo excited to see the collection!

This year Sariayu came up with the theme "Pesisir Sentrajava"

This collection was inspired by aculturation of locals and oriental on the coast of java and the beauty of Karimunjawa archipelago.
Koleksi Lasem

I really love the duo lip function, which is the one with dual end lip color. I looks kinda dark on the bullet, but the lip illustration somehow not telling it. The colors looks so pretty in stunning fuschia and dark purply red, but I don't think I'll get ton of use of it. hmm..

Koleksi Karimunjawa

Another love for the lip products! Cherry red and muted pink. If its really look like the lip illustration that would be so awesome! But again, the eyeshadow is appealing, especially that emerald color, so prettyyy... but I guess I won't purchase it until I really need bright colors. Hahaha.. :p

Koleksi Pelengkap

Now this pallete right here I definitely want to purchase! It's actually a regular pallette with 3 eyeshadow colors, added with brush, pinset, and an eyeliner. But take a look at the brush! Its somehow revolutionary for our local products to have an applicator for eyeshadow other than that crappy-small-and-hard-to-use brushes! Can't wait to get my hand on this!

This too, is in my wishlist! I know you can get any lipbalm/lipgloss on a jar every where else, but the fact that it is Indonesian, really touch my inner nationalism to try this. hihihi..

And the last thing on this 2013 collection is this compact powder called Natural Glow Powder. Seeing from the name, I guess this powder would have some shimmer in it. I kinda hesitate about to buy or not to buy, cause I've once have a powder from Martha Tilaar with this kind of packaging, but the powder are so powdery and cracking until it became loose powder. But we'll see.. I kinda want to know how this one perform. Plus, don't you think the embossed surface looks so pretty??


And that is all for Sariayu 2013 Collection! I really wish I can have them all but I try to not buy things I won't use a lot. So maybe I'll try a few. hihi.. How bout you? Do you think its interesting?

Oh by the way, here's the pricelist I got from Martha Tilaar Shop so you can have a grip of how much it cost!

  • Lipstick - Rp 32.000,-
  • Duo Lip Function - Rp 53.000,-
  • Eyeshadow - Rp 43.000,-
  • Natural Glow Powder - Rp 45.000,-
  • Eye Makeup Kit - Rp 92.000,-
  • Gloss Gel - Rp 35.000,-


  1. Replies
    1. Belii haannn.. terus bikin FOTD super kece dehh!! :3

  2. pengen eye makeup kit nya deh..
    udah kayak Sigma eyebrow kit yak, hehe

    following you dear ^^

    1. Iya makanyaaa.. lucu banget kaann.. hihihihii..

  3. jdi kepengen eye makeup kitnya....nice review....thanks

    1. Thank you eivhaa.. Ini bukan review sayaangg, baru info soal produknya ajaa.. hihihi.. :D

    2. oiya yah........hduew jdi malu aq salket :(....wkwkwk cpetan di review ya kak...hehe next time pengen beli ah...hehe

    3. Tak apa cantiikk.. Iya aku udah beli beberapa nanti aku review yaa.. :*

    4. horeeeeeeeeeeeee...hasyik2...can't wait to read n try it :)thanks vani...


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