Glossy Time

Being a matte lip kind a gal, wearing a gloss is such a big deal for me. I was never really like wearing gloss. I feel it's too much to wear for everyday look. I don't like the texture too, sticky, heavy & weird tingling effect is too much for me. I prefer a fuzz free & low maintenance neutral color and preferably matte or maybe a healthy-lips-look-kinda finish.

Eventhough I don't prefer it as an everyday option, I like the effect it gives on photos, but to reach the effect I like, I need to put a shit load of gloss until it's dripping off my lips. That's. just. too. much.

I guess by now you already understand what I feel about lip gloss.

So when this Maybelline Lip Polish (or in other side of the world known as Maybelline Color Elixir. I don't understand why they have to choose different names in different countries for the same exact thing.) came out, I'm not head over heels. I was just, Ok, I'm just gonna go to the counter and look what it's like. Just for my information. But then I swatched the deep colour (GLAM6) on my hand to see how it looks and....I fell in love. But I restrained my self because I'm very rarely wear any lipstick I own, more over a dark lipgloss. So I just went home and trying to forget about how pretty the color is and how it stains very quickly in a very pretty color that so hard to come off.

But after a few weeks, my sis bought it in shade GLAM2 and I tried it on my lips. OMG, this is like THE BEST LIPGLOSS I HAVE EVER TRIED. No kidding! It's very lightweight, moisturizing & the most important thing, it's not sticky AT ALL! I just wear a thin layer and the color looks very pretty on my skin tone. Right there & then, I decided to buy these 2 colors no matter what.

I love their lipstick shaped container, it looks pretty cool. It really look alike with Dior Liquid Lipstick. Of course Dior's look very much more expensive than Maybelline, but the concept is quiet the same thing.

I actually wanted to buy a different light color from the collection just so I have 3 color to swatch, but I really forgot what my sis have at home & I'm too lazy to ask. So we end up having the same color.

Can we just take our time to look at that beautifuly made applicator and give it a bow. The shape of the applicator is making it very easy to have a precise application. The pointy part is very nice to shape up the cupid bow and reached out to the lips' corner & the wider lower part makes it easy to fill up the lower lip. I love it so much! Very nicely made!

And it angles in a way so our hand wouldn't have to do crazy maneuvers when applying this gloss.

Looove this color so muucchh!! I love that it has a blue undertone which helps to make my skin looks brighter & it can be layered. Although it's a bit tricky to have a full on color because when applied too much it tends to get blotchy like my lips up there. But in real life it's not that obvious.

The gloss stays for about 4-5 hours until it completely fades away, but the moisture and color stays the same like when it first applied as long as there's no heavy eating included. And what I love the most is the fact that it stains so bright and opaque. Even after eating it stays the same! Booyah! No more lip line effect after eating while wearing dark lipstick! Cause you know, it's annoying and unpleasant to look at. It's really great when you're attending events where you can't constantly go to the bathroom to check on your pouty lips.

This second color I own is really nice for everyday cause it's just so soft and the shine helps my lips to look a lot healthier! See how my lips has all this wrinkles, it's always there even when my lips is super duper moisturized. So this lip gloss really helps me with that problem! Same as GLAM6, the shines fades away completely in 4-5 hours, but as long as I'm not eating, the color & moisture are still there

For the lighter color the stain is not really there. After eating it creates that lip liner effect. But it's easy to wipe off.

Both has the same amount of glitter but it's very pretty. I love how both are very moisturizing so I rarely have chapped lips anymore because I always find a reason to wear these babies out!

Here's my FOTD wearing them two:

Yes, I'm wearing fringe again right now. Watching 500 Days of Summer always ends up with me trying to look like Zoey Deschanel. Oh dear~

It is quite a small and compact size of a product. Easy to carry for touch ups on the go.

You can find this product anywhere on Maybelline counter. But I don't think they have it in Carefour/Hypermart. I bought mine at Matahari Department Store, Karawaci for IDR 81.000. I guess it's the same in every counter so you don't have to worry!

Have you try this lip gloss? Did you fall in love like I did?


  1. Aaaa cakep banget warananya van ^3^
    Bagussss. Cantik juga modelnya :D

    1. Iya cakep banget yang GLAM6!! >,<
      Aaakk makaci luciiii X)

  2. Packagingnya bagus yaa keliatan kayak high end product *.*
    FOTD nya lucu Van :D


    1. Iya bagus banget gue juga sukaaa... aw makasiii mitchy! :*

  3. van, yang glam 2 cakep banget.... jadi pengen juga..kira2 di kulit gelap kaya gw warnanya masih masuk ga? ato malah jadi pucet?

    1. harusnya sih masuk, mel. Soalnya dia warnanya terang gitu, malah kalo di elu gitu jadi lebih natural dibanding di gue kayanya. Hohhoo

  4. Lhoo kan aku jadi pengen beli kalo gini ini, yang plum keliatan menggiurkan kamu pake Van >.<!

  5. Lhoo kan aku jadi pengen beli kalo gini ini, yang plum keliatan menggiurkan kamu pake Van >.<!

  6. Replies
    1. Bet kok gue jadi berasa seger yah lu hobi banget ngasih julukan buah ke rambut gue. Hahahha

  7. cici ciwi kuria~ lol!
    Aduh, abis lu posting, gw makin galau pengen beli. T.T

  8. wiiii seger banget lihat vani pake lipstick yg oranye <3 cakeeepp

  9. paniii sesuatu banget lu pake bold lips hahaha cakep deh, sering2 begini :P

    1. Ah makasiihh ipahh.. ini yang maybelline emang cakep bener nih warnanya jadi senengg.. hahahaha

  10. Sadly, this one doesn't work on me.. Di aku patchy banget, dan terlalu sticky ..
    tapi liat kamu pakai GLAM6, jadi pingin mencobanya lagi..

    1. Mungkin kebanyakan pakenya, Len? Soalnya gue juga pas lagi pake kebanyakan blotchy banget dan susah buat diratainnyaa

  11. Glam 6 nya Ok bangett . pengenn beliiiii

  12. Kak vani.. yg glam 2 warna orange nya lbih terang ga ya kak dr yg d foto? Soalny kliatan pucat difoto.. lg nyari wrn orange terang 😊

  13. cantiik banget glam6 nya di km..

    oya keberatan nggak kalau saling follow ?
    aku udah follow kamu..


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