[REVIEW] Viva Peeling Cream

Back to my roots for a cheap but great product! I'm very much excited to buy & try new things with a very cheap price tag. With expensive things you kinda know it would do great and when it's not, a huge dissapointment follows. But with cheap product, you just go with it. If it's good then it's a keeper, but when it's not, it's okay, it's cheap anyway!

I saw this when I browse around their website (which is really helpful by the way). I really like to see what a brand can offer in a very limited source & money to make a product. I love how Viva manage to always being inovative while keeping the price tag friendly. Maybe they don't make the best of its kind but they make something affordable so people can buy and use it.

So what is it? According to their website, it is a cream with soft scrub to removes dead skin cells without causing any iritation to make skin looks soft and clean.

How to use:
Apply cream on face and wait until it half dry and then buff the skin until all the cream fall out. Wash off with clean water and continue with applying face tonic.

As always, I was being sceptical about how this cream will work. The consistency is a bit thick and creamy when I first took it out of the jar, but then it turns very thin and almost transparent when spread. So I spread it all over my face and then wait until its almost dry. But I've wait while I scrub all over my body (which took awhile I asure you, I have so much woobly skin to scrub ya knaw), and when I get back to scrub my face the cream still feels wet and I scrub so long before the cream starts to dry and falling. I think it's better to spread it very thinly so it will dries faster. The scrub indeed feels very soft and doesn't feel rough at all.

After rinse, this cream left my skin feels slippery. It still feels like it haven't clean yet and I still have soap all over my face, but its not. It makes my skin feels very moisturized and smooth. I even try to wash my face with facial foam and I still can feel that slippery feeling but my skin still feels very well moisturized. I even went to bed only adding a toner to my face & the next morning it still feels so supple.

One thing I need to mention is that the scrub is very very small and subtle, I don't think it scrub my face as good as my Mundisari Peeling. But I could say it is good enough to use in between rougher scrub, just when my skin starts to feel gritty but not that nasty, you know what I mean? But when I'm using it, I don't feel the need to put on some other leave on mask or anything because it makes may skin feels soft, smooth, & moisturized.

I bought it from their website for IDR 5.800, but I guess if you could find it elsewhere like cosmetics supply store or in traditional market, it can be around 20-30% cheaper.  It is look small for a skincare, only 22 gr and nothing more. Well for the price, it really is not a big deal. Beside it only took a little at a time to use all over the face.

I can say I love this product for the quality it gives for moisturizing and making my skin feels great in such a price point, but I'm a bit unsatisfied with the scrub granules because I'm a rough scrub kinda person.

So, have you ever try this product? What do you think about it?


  1. Ahhseeek, ada peeling murah. Aku mau nyoba ah kalo maen2 ke website nya lagi, seneng belanja disitu, 100ribu udah dpt banyak barang ^^


    1. Yang gue sukanya tuh barangnya update terus dan infonya lengkap. Iya belanja 100 aja rasanya udah dapet banyak banget berasa kaya. hahhahahaah

  2. Aaaaaaaakk aku juga suka Mundisari Peeling, Van! :D *toss Paling enak itu buat gosok muka :D Tp skrg aku lg pake Wardah, baunya kurang suka kyk obat gt :/

    Ini baunya gimana, Van? Btw, murah juga yee nggak sampe 10.000! ^^

    1. Yeeeyy! Mundisari emang gak ada lawannya! hahaha
      Wardah ada peelingnya juga kah? gue belom pernah coba sih. Bikin muka alus gak? Hahaah

      Ini baunya khas bunganya viva gitu deh. Lupa gue tulis yak. haha

    2. Bagusnya Wardah, kl hbs pake itu muka jd halus banget Van! Beneran! Cuma ya baunya itu aku ga suka :/ Namanya Peeling Cream, tube warna ijo :)

      Bunga Viva itu yg pegimane? -_______-

  3. waahh
    bagus nih kayaknya
    murah pula
    jadi pengen coba


  4. Waaa~
    This is worth trying!

    I also have tried Mundisari by Mustika Ratu, it also gives great result to my skin.
    Thanks for the review!


  5. Kalo ke supermarket mau liat2 ah.. eh tapi bs beli online jg ya Van di websitenya? Keren juga *_*

    1. Bisa mitch! Tapi kalo di websitenya biasa lebih mahal daripada kalo beli langsung. Tapi yah mahal-mahal juga cuma 6000 hahaah :p

  6. gw baru tahu kalo viva ngeluarin peeling cream... harganya murah tapi kayanya isinya gak banyak juga ya? :D

    btw, seneng ngeliat foto-foto lo, u make cheap products look super expenisve!

    1. iya dikit, mel. Tapi makenya juga dikit sih buat 1 mukaa.. bisa 10 kalianlah makenya. mayan hahaha..

      Ah makasih kamoh bisa ajah X)

  7. Makasih ya mbak Vani reviewnya. Saya udah coba Viva peeling cream ini dan sreg di hati. Kemasannya juga lucu dan simpel. Love it.


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