Facial Cleansing Tool - Tammia Facial Massager | #BLOGMAS

It's late again! I know! Friday seems to take a lot of energy or I have lost all of it keeping up with the whole week. I have been lousing around and sleeping (and eat) A LOT today! I finally have regained some strength it took to fully function again after finally took a shower at 09.00 PM. Phew! Anyway, I was thinking what I should show you guys for the #BLOGMAS and I think it's really important to maintain your skin by having a clean face everyday in order to look stunning on special events. I always do double cleansing since I use makeup, even before I knew Menard had that as a campaign. But sometimes you need more than facial cleansers to really get rid all of the dirts and gunks on your face. So I brought you this Tammia Facial Massager to the rescue!

I saw it when I was waiting for my mom, I just wonder around at Watson and see if there's anything new that caught my attention. I already have a rubbery silicon thingy that you could find almost anywhere but it's kinda hard to use since that would covered by foam once I started to massage my face with it. It does helps in terms of getting rid of the dirts on my pores, but it's not satisfying. From that experience, I knew I'm gonna like this one.

It has a double sided head with face brush on one side and pointy silicon rubbers at the other. The brush is very harsh in my opinion, unlike any other brush I've used in the past that feels really nice to buff off the skin, this one doesn't. it almost irritates my skin by the stiffness it has. So I never again use the brush head for my face. But on the other hand, the rubbery silicon side is so nice and soft against my skin. Eventhough it looks pointy and sharp, it really is not! The pointy end is very effective to get rid of the gritty feel I usually have when my pores are stucked. It's very comfortable to use even for everyday. It feels just like you've massage your face after using it (hence the name).

The handle is what I love this the most. It makes it so easy to use in the bathroom where it's all wet and slippery. It designed just like a toothbrush where you get a nice handgrip for easy usage. It also has a cap to keep the brush together that fits perfectly. Unlike the Daiso one I had before where the cap is just equal as the plastic packaging it came with, it meant to be tossed away immediatelly after purchase. Something I should mention though, since the shape of the silicon part is very flat and stiff, it's kinda hard to reach the side of my nose. It can, but it takes a few ugly facial expressions to get there. And the other thing is that I wish it has a hanger or something. It stays in the bathroom and puting it down to dry doesn't really sounds good to me. I guess it's nice to hang it dry but I love it nonetheless.

You can get this pretty little thing at Watson and Tammia Counter I suppose. I got mine at Watson, Lippo Mal Karawaci. I forgot the exact price but it wouldn't be far from IDR 53.000

And that's it for today! What's your favourite face cleansing tool? I'd like to try for the Clarisonic but it is way over my budget. Oh, I also saw that Wardah has this facial cleansing tool, too! Have no idea about the price, but they look good! Might try that soon!


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  1. Ga minat nyobain Olay punya? Olay Pro X apa gitu. Gw pernah pake. Berasa bersih sih, trus enak-enak aja, ga bikin break out. Cuma entah mengapa, kalo malemnya gw pake itu, pagi2 muka gw keliatan gede pori-poriny. Tapi abis mandi ya ngerapet lagi. Hahaha

    1. apa tuh sari? disini ada jual?
      Duh bisa sampe bikin pori-pori membesar itu sih sesuatu banget loh. hahaha


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