2015 Beauty Wish List!

Happy New Year, my dearest readers! 2014 has been a nice journey of learning for me, I wish that 2015 will bring more knowledge and opportunity in my career, yours too! I also can't wait for this year to stroll on since I could finally reveal the project I've been working on all year long! Not my own brand tho, I wish it was, HAHA! But it doesn't get any less exciting since I was very close to the project itself. Wow, I just can't wait!!

Now since I want to spend my money more wisely on the makeup area, I'd like to make a beauty wishlist of what I want to purchase in 2015. I only put things I've been really wanting and what I'm gonna wear often so it doesn't get all expired after only a few usage. What a waste of money lah! Here is the list:

1. Lorac Unzipped Palette
Now that I got my Lorac Pro 2 Palette, I no longer want the original, I thought the color is not as interesting as it was and not all the color would get the same amount of love from me. But I love Lorac's formula so much and I just decided to get the Unzipped Palette where it has all the neutral color I know I'll be wearing like a no brainer.

2. MAC Pro Long Wear Concealer
I'm still very curious about the Pro Long Wear formula since so many people love it. Especially when Nikki Tutorials says she loves it, gurl you gotta get that shit no matter what!

3. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel
When I went to a Clinique event a few months ago, I got the chance to try a lot of their product and I was just blown away by their quality and I love them ever since. But you know, Clinique is one of the high enders where the price are really expensive for me! But I really want to try this moisturizer since everyone is raving about it!

4. Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Cream
I guess I saw this product for the first time when I stumbled upon Bobbi Brown's channel on Youtube. I then just love Bobbi for who she is, her philosophy in makeup, her collection and her way of explaining her product. It's been a long time since I've put eyecream on to my skincare routine and I really wanted to try this.

5. Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Set
Saw it on Luxola for the longest time and I always hesitate to get it last year. When I finally saw the original web price that only has a very minor different with the one on Luxola, I just went to Luxola as fast as I can to get this very pretty and chick brush set for me, but I was late! It has been sold out there and i just hate my self so much for not looking at the original price sooner. I just hope that Luxola will bring this baby back soon!

And that is my big beauty wish list for this year. What's yours? Anything exciting to buy this year? :D


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  1. Itu kuas Zoeva emang bikin ngiler yee Van. Ini blogger2 yang aku follow juga beberapa post soal kuas itu >.< Harganya ga sopan tapihh! :|

    1. Bangett!! Iya mesti bener-bener nahan godaan yang lain biar kebelii hahahaha..
      Warnanya itu lohh!! Manis bangeettt X)

  2. wish list dari 2014 masih numpuk yang belum kebeli *nangis*, aku naksir sama lorac pro palletenya tapi harganya bikin mikir-mikir lagi mau beli

    1. Hahaha.. samaaa.. dari 2014 juga banyak yang blom kebeli terus sekarang udah gak pengen lagi. hahahaah

  3. lorac palettenya lucuuuuu! >.< tapi pasti quite expensive. Sedangkan aku suka spontanious buying something T_________T


    1. Iya sama banget apalagi kalo pas lagi diskon, kalaapp beli barang yang gak penting!


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